Sun Exposure Tips

Sun Exposure Tips

We sat down with a friend of the brand, Dr. Joy Wisniewski, a local dermatologist. During our chat we got some great skin health tips for our families. With summer on the horizon this was perfect timing and we thought we’d share!

Dr. Joy grew up in Carlsbad, CA playing at the beach and attending junior lifeguards, just like many other SoCal kids. She noticed at a young age that the veteran lifeguards were always making visits to the dermatologist to have sections of melanoma removed. She said that the memory of the lifeguards always stuck with her and inspired her to go in that direction. She likes the pursuit of keeping people healthy and safe. 

We asked Dr. Joy a few questions to gain some insight into skin health:

MG: How big of an issue is sun exposure?

Dr. Joy:  In a place where the weather is good, like San Diego, it’s a pretty big deal. People for the most part are unaware of how much accumulative sun damage they are receiving. In places where the weather is worse, people tend to bundle up more when they are outside which partially protects them from the sun.

MG: What are some products that we can use?

Dr. Joy: Anything with a Zinc Mineral composition can be effective. People care a lot about wrinkles and blemishes in addition to Melanoma and the mineral ingredients shield against both. Sunshades like the Neso Tent, with built in UPF 50 fabric, are extremely effective in protecting yourself from the sun. Ultimately a combination of shade and sunscreen is an effective strategy.

MG: How can you tell a spot from Melanoma or something dangerous?

Dr. Joy: Tough to see spots like your back and scalp are difficult, you may need the help of a loved one or a family member to check it out. When analyzing spots on your body its best to follow the ABCDE’s of Dermatology. Asymmetry (irregular shaped moles and blemishes), Borders (dark or odd borders), Color (varied or odd colors), Diameter (size) and Evolution (is something growing or changing).

MG: When should we visit the dermatologist?

Dr. Joy: For children who are fair skinned or have a first degree family member who has had a history with Melanoma it’s never too soon. I recommend yearly skin check ups for everyone, which is something that is not common for people. If you have a first degree family member who has had a history of skin cancer it can increase your chances of getting skin cancer by 50%. Skin health and sun exposure should not be a neglected factor in your overall health.


Be aware, take precautions, and enjoy the summer sun this year with a better grasp of how to protect you and your loved ones. 


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